Partnering with CRUZ Ministries

Our partners are very special to us. We count it a great privilege and honour that the Lord would connect us with other believers all over the world.

When you donate to CRUZ Ministries, you are changing lives …

  • by helping to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • by helping to teach the uncompromising Word of God thereby transforming people from a place of brokenness to wholeness
  • by helping to release the potential locked within people so that their destiny is released as God intended

We commit to keep our ministry pure financially, sexually and in our motives and intent.

We commit to represent the Lord Jesus Christ and be good stewards in every activity of this ministry. In that pursuit we will build the ministry on the Word of God and seek to exalt Jesus at all times.

We commit to pray for our partners regularly.

Giving Options

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Cor. 9:7

Direct Funds Transfers

Give by electronic funds transfer (EFT) payable to

CRUZ Ministries Trust

First National Bank (FNB)

Plumstead Branch (250655)


Account No: 62540770022

Online Giving

Give online with a secure payment gateway

Donate Now


CRUZ Foundation

The vision of CRUZ Foundation is to build symbiotic Christian community villages for orphans and the elderly to be called ‘Love Villages’

Learn More